Thursday, November 19, 2009


what would be the perfect way to kiss a girl at the movies??

what turns u on at the movies?

on a date of course

share popcorn

wear axe


act like a gentleman
Reply:ummm the perfect way to kiss is a girl is to take it slow...don't be aggressive...let it be natural...don't start with tongue. at the movies wait until the middle of the movie to put your arms around her...the key is to be yourself and natural. that's what turns me on.
Reply:dont do that korny, cheesy old fake yawn and strecth your arm out, girls dont fall for that

just reach out and kiss her

Good Luck

Reply:the only thing that should be turning on a girl is you. and i think the biggest turn on for me is when a guy is sweet, thoughtful, and charming. don't try and kiss her while she's watching a movie though. find a way to make the night perfect, and then when you take her home... do it then. the small things, like opening doors, maybe getting her a flower, and telling her how beautiful she looks can go a long way... and get you a long way... ;)
Reply:dont do the age old yawn and strech your arm over her sholder thats cheezy. just grab her and french kiss her. i'de like that because i would think you have courage
Reply:i don't know,coz i never tried it before
Reply:I like it when

The guy just kinda reaches over softly and turns my face towards his and kisses me softly
Reply:i love when a guy slips his arm around me at the movies. dont do that corny stretch when you pretend to yawn. girls are so on to that. just do it. u'll look confident and confidence is sexy. and if u want to kiss her, kiss her before the lights go out. it'll give her somthing to think about during the movie
Reply:I never REALLY liked being kissed IN the movies! I always loved to hold hands, and sort of "build up" that sexual tension for AFTER the movies, where we could totally make-out in a more comfortable and appropriate place!!! = ) THAT'S the way to do it!!!
Reply:Well be in a less crowded section and hold hands and talk some before the movie starts. Then maybe for a while slide your arm around her and whisper something in her ear. When the evening is getting near a close kiss her and see how she reacts.
Reply:you could do the classic 'stretch reach arm around.' for starters.

just do it when she looks into your eyes. you'll know it's the right moment.
Reply:whisper in her ears 'i love you' or 'u look beatiful'. when she turns to look at you, look into her eyes and it just clicks.
Reply:My first kiss was at the movie theatre!

The guy quoted the movie --it was the boy ant said something to the girl ant while holding her hands and then kissed my bf at the time did the same thing.

It was cute.
Reply:Soft Soft Soft touches... on their arm, leg, etc... give them that tingly feeling ... then when they look at you.. lock eyes.. and let the magic begin ;)

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