Friday, November 13, 2009


Girls when you first lost your virginity did it hurt you a lot?? Not much?? Or not at all?? Did you bleed??

It hurts a lot.

And you bleed.

That said, please make sure you give your precious gift to someone who loves and respects you and to someone who is truly worthy of you.
Reply:It hurt enough to feel the pain for two days after that but not bed sick, just a bit pain down there, and not bleed as in "hemoragie" but yeah u lose some blood..
Reply:It hurt kinda bad but not a hurt that i couldn't handle and i was bleeding a lot after wards
Reply:I was 21, it hurt a little but quick, I did blead but not a TON. First time is always akward so make sure you are really ready!
Reply:Not at all and I did not bleed but I was 23.
Reply:well im a guy but ill answer. it depends on the girl it may hurt it may not and when the cherry gets popped (usually in the first few times having sex) yes blood releases and yes it always happens unless your bf got a small *****, lol have fun and enjoy
Reply:I was 19, it did hurt a little bit but felt very good. Yes I bleed a small amount after.
Reply:It didn't really hurt and I did bleed a little.

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