Friday, November 13, 2009


do you tend to let the hair on your legs grow in the winter.....??

I must shave mine all the time....

but I do know girls that let it grow in the winter......

ahhhh who cares us guys only see it during sexy time so just make sure to shave it then.....
Reply:I shave mines all the time
Reply:NO! I can not stand prickly legs. ugh. And it's gross.
Reply:i know alot of girls who do.. they look like yetis haha
Reply:No I don't
Reply:I shave everyday, no joke. I just have to. I hate how it feels when my legs rub against my pants if I don't (which is a rarity). The prickly feeling sucks, yuck.
Reply:I don't WANT to let it grow...but I tend to get lazy..thanks for reminding me..thats something I must tend to today LOL
Reply:I shower and shave (in the necessary places) daily. I would feel so dingy if I skipped. I like to feel pretty and what a way to start by practicing good hygiene habits?!
Reply:I might go a few days without shaving my legs simply because its a pain in the you know what to shave them every single day. I however do not let them go all winter..thats just
Reply:yeah i let them grow longer in the winter cause shaving causes really dry skin and no matter how much lotion i put on them they will itch cause of the cold. and also you wear pants all the time and you kinda forget, ok i admit it!!!! you caught me! i dont shave my legs a whole lot in the winter time!!
Reply:My leg hair is very fine and light colored so I don't shave when I don't have to.
Reply:daily shaver here.... all the places that need it
Reply:It usually doesnt bother me, so I leave it. Then again, aint nobody feelin up on my legs anyway
Reply:shave your hair to look sexy, not to be warm lol
Reply:shave it because i dont like hair so no matter the season im always good =)
Reply:no... well kinda, I don't shave as often as I do in the summer, but I don't let them get all Sasquatchy either
Reply:well i wont shave it as much...

because i usually wear pajama pants all winter long.

but i dont want the hair to be SUPER long...

Reply:It's like an extra pair of pants. Nice %26amp; warm!...Lol (jk)

i tend to get lazy 'cause no one is gonna see my legs, but i shave before it gets too bad.
Reply:I shave mine
Reply:I shave......
Reply:i don't neccessarily let it grow, but i only shave it about once a week. my fiance doesn't mind. Shaving too often dries out my legs and i put lotion on 2x a day
Reply:No I don't I shave at least every other day
Reply:I don't because I don't like to feel my legs rub together when I'm in bed.......
Reply:i shave mine all the time
Reply:oh now thats ugly

i shave mine also all the time

i don't like it

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