Friday, November 13, 2009


When age should girls be to start:

1) getting manicures and pedicures

2) getting her eyebrows done

3) dating

4) Tanning at a tanning booth or tanning bed

What do you think?

1) 11

2) 12

3) 12

4) 12-13

that's when i started all these things. however, i was mature and responsible. and my mom trusted me.
Reply:1) whatever age...

2) 14 to get them done profesionally 12 do them by thierselves

3) 11 for little dates like going to the mall or movies 14 for everything else

4) um never! just spend time outside
Reply:1. i think any age. when i babysat, the girls (6 and 8) were showing off their "new" nails to me and i think even at that age they feel like princesses :P

2. thats a toughie....i guess 13+, because really, before that, nobody cares! its up to the girl though, im seventeen and only started getting my brows done just before my sweet 16th

3. any age (within reason of course! no 9-yr old dates haha) as long as theyre mature. but this one is REALLY up to the parents, you can date even if they say no (by being sneaky) but it would be easier on everyone if they consented

4. after youve been informed both on the benefits (tanning makes your skin look oh-so-good) and the dangers (skin cancer in the future) of it. and also if youre parents are okay with it.

just make sure whatever you do you make smart choices!
Reply:1-9 (that when i got mine)


3-whenever u feel is good

Reply:1. doesn't matter

2. 14

3. 16

Reply:ok for 1questtion 1.i think girls should start getting manicures and pedicures like 10 lol im 11 and i started at 8!

2.getting eyebrows done 13!maybe 14 or 15 lol so 13,14,15 like i said im only 11. already am lol started at 10 my mom says i should wait till 7th grade but watev i think like 11 maybe 12!1

4.tanning wow like 15 lol so ya thats my advice

i wish u alllllllllllll the luck in the world with my advice
Reply:1) doesnt matter

2) when they need trimming

3)around 7th grade

4) NEVER! use a spray tan
Reply:1) 12

2) 12

3) 15

4) uh.. idk...NEVER(too scary lol)
Reply:1) Doesn't really matter, but regular visits can get expensive. Maybe 12?



4)Never. It is horrible for you! When you start tanning you will look so much older than you should by the time you are 50. Melanoma is a leading cause of cancer deaths. Please do not ever do this or let your daughter!
Reply:1. any age

2. i've started doing my brows at 11. so around that age.

3. 14 or 15

4. 16
Reply:1. i started at 10 (spoiled..i've been told)

2. ahh 13?

3. whenever mature

4. never.
Reply:1) any age hun, Lol

2)13 (i got mine done when i was 12)

3)depends what grade your in, i say 7th grade or 8th

4)16 ( i still dont suggest it :/ its really bad for your skin)

Good Luck~!
Reply:1) idk..12?

2) 14

3) 13 at the youngest

4) Never, that's laaaaaaaaaaaaame
Reply:1) 11-12 thats always fun!

2) 13-14 but depends on whenever she needs it.

3) 14-15 whenever they are mature.

4) 16-17 but its unhealthy and scary.

thats wat i think!

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