what do u look for in a guy?
To each their own.
Good in tha bedroom :D
Reply:in every girl, its honesty but with everything else... it depends on that person.
Reply:Clean cut, nice smile, full lips, blue eyes, medium muscles, nice package lol
Reply:he has to be nice, sweet, honesty, and a bunch of other good character traits.
Reply:it all depends? do you love him? how long have you been with him? Are you sure he loves you?
Reply:Funny, intelligent, reasonable fit, gainfully employed, decent looking and spontaneous.
Reply:A good personality- someone I know I can trust. Someone who is kind, caring, and HONEST. I like guys that are funny too.
Reply:Well I won't say what it is whoohoo ( if you know what I mean). But seriously they must understand how a girl feels and care for them emotionally and physically. People do not want two timing dwags!!!
Reply:one who doesn't just want us for our body, one who understands that were poeple to ,we have a brain, ears, and eyes, just like men, one who will love us for our personality, not just to get what they want, a caring loving man who always makes me smile and that i would want to spend the rest of my life with is what i look for in a guy
i like smiles.
a guy who can make me laugh
a guy that will listen.
a guy who will talk.
someone to compliment me.
someone to JOKINGLY make fun of me
to cuddle with
go camping with
who would lend me his jacket if i was cold.
but to each their own, i guess.
Reply:nice, funny, talllll (unless the girl is short), not too jealous and obsessive, nice dresser, always smells good, knows how to treat a girl, knows when to back off or help when she needs a shoulder to cry on, listens to our stories without dozing off and not listening, does exciting and adventerous things, good in bed, good kisser, nice body.... thats all i could think of for now...my boyfriend is all of these things and we've been together for a year
Reply:well most girls lo0o0ok for honesty, compasion, and understanding. but then there are others that are just looking for some action. maybe no one can really answer this question because not all women might agree with what i am sayin because many people have diffrent perspectives conserning what they look for in a guy. i hope that i have helped a little.
Reply:dude charm them act like you want in there pants it work fo me
Reply:It varies from girl to girl. Meaning, that some girls may look for a guys physical appearance, some may look for a good personality, and some could look for both.
So it depends on a girl.
Reply:Well first of all my man has to be smart. He needs to be able to understand his school work, but he doesn't have to be a A+ student but it needs to be a B or higher each time them report cards come in. He needs to be romanatic. Like tell you that you look "BEAUTIFUL" even if your having a bad hair day. He has to know when the time is right to whisper sweet somethings in your ear. And he has to have a good personality because if you don't got that you ain't got nothing. So is personality needs to be a 10. He has to be trustworthy because with out trust you have nothing. I would like it if my man speaks his mind when he has a problem with me or anything that may be going on with him in life. He has to be helpful, kind and caring. He has to be good to my liking (GOOD LOOKS). We have to be able to understand each other and be as one whole, But most of all he has to LOVE me for who I really am inside and not just what I got on the outside only.
I can honestly say I'm Lucky to have a Man of my dreams.
I love you Adrian!!!
Reply:Strong, protective, nice personality, and likes me for who I am.
Reply:A lot of things!!!
Reply:personality wise:
-sweet, treats women with respect, not as objects!
-funny- i wouldnt want a guy who bores me to death.
-and a guy who accepts you for who you are, not how you look like. most guys today are jerk who only like girls for their body.
i personally like brunette guys, great smile, pretty eyes, and someone who works out. he doesnt have to have a great body, just a descent one.
Reply:A good personality
Reply:We just look for someone who won't take us for granted, confident, and takes care of themselves (i.e. health, finances and family). Girls always want a guy that they can communicate with even when we are not making sense. You give us that and we will be devoted and happy. Just don't be too clingy because then we will walk all over you!
Reply:taller than me, funny, nice,and smart.
Reply:Well i look for if he cares about me and if he ever cheats on me. I also love boys with great hair, smells good, and a good personality. I do not like those guys who act better than every one else. Hope i helped.
Reply:Someone who i can joke with and just hang out, but can alos be romantic, and suprising sometimes. someone who will treat me right. And most of all someone to have fun with. And lots of it!!!
Reply:If you have to ask you're not right for most of them.
Reply:anyone who'll listen
someone who thinks their my 'big protector'
someone who kisses me all over
who is themselves.
i don't like it when they be someone who they're not.
buck teeth
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